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Glenn Harvel


Dr. Harvel has three main areas of research focus include nuclear decommissioning, nuclear plant design, and nuclear plant sustainable operations. His research group is researching all aspects of decontamination, dismantling and dose improvement. The plant design research focuses on developing simpler designs for use in the current CANDU fleet and for SMR concepts.
905.721.8668 ext. 5508

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  • PhD - Nuclear Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 1995
  • Master of Engineering in Engineering Physics McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 1991
  • Bachelor of Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 1989

Generation of Gaseous Iodine for Advanced EHD Collection

Okinawa, Japan June 23, 2014

International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics

Determination of Specific Heat of Eutectic Indium-Bismuth-Tin Liquid Metal Alloys as a Test Material for Liquid Metal-Cooled Applications

Singapore, Southeast Asia September 21, 2013

International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering

Study on Primary and Secondary Heat Transport Systems for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor

Chengdu, China August 2, 2013

21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

Effects of Cavitation Damage on the Hydraulic Characteristics of a Gate Valve

Boston, Massachusetts July 31, 2013

American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2013 Power Conference

Investigation of Fluid Dynamic Properties of Liquid Field's Metal

Boston, Massachusetts July 31, 2013

American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2013 Power Conference

Assessment of FLUENT Code as a Tool for SCW Heat Transfer Analysis

Chengdu, China July 29, 2013

21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

  • G. Richards, G.D. Harvel, I.L. Pioro, A.S. Shelegov, and P.L. Kirillov, “Heat Transfer Profiles of a Vertical Bare 7 Element Bundle Cooled with Supercritical Freon-12”, Nuclear Engineering Design, In Press.2013.[NSERC]
  • G. Richards, I.L. Pioro, G.D. Harvel, A.S. Shelegov, and P.L. Kirillov, “Temperature Profiles of a Vertical 7-Element Bundle Cooled with Supercritical Freon-12”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 7(2):207-218, ISSN 1934-8975, USA, 2013.[NSERC]
  • G.D. Harvel and W. Hardman, “A Comparison of Different Communication Tools for Distance Learning in Nuclear Education”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 6:20-33, 2012. [NSERC]
  • G.D. Harvel, R. Scrannage, and D. Hobbs, “Scoping Assessment of Design Options for an Enhanced Calandria Tube”, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design,241: 2688-2697, 2011. [Bruce Power, OCE]
  • J.S. Chang, V. Lakhian, D. Brocilo, G.D. Harvel, D.W. Ewing, M. Watanabe, H. Matsubara, H. Hirata, S. Matsumoto, and P. Fanson, “Fuel Reforming Characteristics of Electrohydrodynamic Atomization – Flow Stabilized Radical Shower System”, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, 5:7-11, 2011. [Toyota]
  • D. Brocilo, , J.S. Cotton, E. dela Cruz, G.D. Harvel, D. Ewing, M. Bardeleben, and J.S. Chang, “Deposited Diesel Soot Oxidation and Removal Characteristics by Non-Thermal Plasma”, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, 5:37-41, 2011. [NSERC]
  • T. Masala, G.D. Harvel, J. Su, and J.S. Chang, “Determination of Interfacial Parameters for Horizontal Two-Phase Intermittent Flow Regimes Using a High Speed Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Technique”, International Journal of Fluid Flow Machinery, 122:61-76, 2010. [NSERC]
  • H. Tsubone, J.S. Chang, G.D. Harvel and K. Urashima, “Non-Moving Component Pumping of Narrow Gas Flow Channels by an Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pumps”, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, 3(2):151-155, 2009. [NSERC,OCE]
  • G.D. Harvel and J.S. Chang, “Non-Destructive Evaluation of Multiply Connected Electrical Arc Furnace Graphite Rod Electrodes”, Research in Non-Destructive Evaluation, 20(4):215-229, 2009. [Cyanamid]
  • G.D. Harvel, B. Komeili, C.Y. Ching, and J.S Chang, “Electrohydrodynamically Enhanced Capillary Evaporator”, Journal of IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 16(2):456-462, April 2009. [CSA]
  • B. Komeili, J.S. Chang, G.D. Harvel, C. Ching, and D. Brocilo, “Flow Characteristics of Wire-Rod Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump Under Negative Corona Operations”, Journal of Electrostatics, 66: 342-353, 2008.  [MMO]
  • I.C. Lim, G.D. Harvel, and J.S. Chang, “Finned Fuel Element Two-Phase Flow Parameter Measurements Using Real-Time Neutron Radiography”, Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2(2): 2008. [AECL]
  • J.S. Chang, C. Ayrault, D. Brocilo, D. Ewing, G.D. Harvel, K. Urashima, H. Hirata, S. Matsumoto, and P. Fanson, “Electrohydrodynamic Atomization Two-Phase Flow Regime Map for Liquid Hydrocarbon Under Pulsed Electric Fields with Co-Gas Flow”, Journal of Electrostatics, 66:94-98, 2008. [Toyota]
  • T. Masala, G.D. Harvel, and J.S. Chang, “Separated Flow Regime Two-Phase Flow Parameter Measurement by a High Speed Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo System”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 78:114901-1114901-9, 2007.  [NSERC]
  • J.S. Chang, J. Ueno, H. Tsubone, G.D. Harvel, S. Minami, and K. Urashima, “Electrohydrodynamically Induced Flow Direction in a Wire Non-Parallel-Plate Electrode Corona Discharges”, Journal of Physics D:  Applied Physics, 40, 5109-5111, 2007. [CSA]

Professional Engineers Ontario

Canadian Nuclear Society

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society

Canadian Association of High Voltage and Electrostatics

McMaster University

  • Nuclear Plant Design and Simulation (NUCL 4700U)
    Introduces the main design and operating features of nuclear power plants using pressurized and boiling light water, pressurized heavy water and gas cooled reactors; small, medium and large reactors; unit control schemes; shutdown and safety systems; reactor cooling, shutdown and emergency core cooling systems; steam generator design features, level and pressure control; turbine and generator design; feedwater systems; unit electrical, service water and air systems. Where appropriate, nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of power plant design.
  • Nuclear Plant Safety Design (NUCL 4525U)
    This course describes the regulatory requirements and the principles guiding the protection of workers and the general public from being harmed as a result of nuclear plant operations. Topics include: worker and public safety requirements; codes and standards; sources of radioactive release; defence in depth; principle of control, cool, contain; accident prevention, mitigation and accommodation; separation and independence; redundancy; common mode events; inherent safety features; plant safety systems; safety culture, management of plant safety; design basis accident; accident analysis; quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment; examples of nuclear accidents; online and off-line computer codes for the design and safety analysis of nuclear plants.
  • Nuclear Reactor Design (NUCL 4780U)
    An introduction to thermal and fast reactors and reactor cooling systems. Topics include: natural and enriched fuels; pressure vessels and pressure tubes; reactor structures; moderator materials and systems; reactor coolant materials and systems; shutdown and safety systems, heat generation and removal in the fuel; modes of heat transfer from fuel to coolant; boiling heat transfer; cooling by natural circulation; measurement of thermal-hydraulic parameters; momentum, mass and energy transfer processes; requirements for main heat transport, shutdown cooling and emergency core cooling systems. Nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of reactor design.
  • Nuclear Plant Systems and Operation (NUCL 5100G)
    A combination of lectures and self-paced interactive CD are used to present the key design and operating features of a CANDU generating unit, including the principles of overall unit operation and control; the functions, equipment and operation of the main process systems; how each major system is controlled; and how reactor safety and the protection of the public is achieved. Students gain familiarity with the conduct of normal and abnormal operations on a simulated CANDU generating unit, including power manoeuvres; poison override operations; recoveries from reactor trips; recoveries from turbine trips; and responses to reactor, heat transport, steam and feed-water system malfunctions
  • Reactor Containment Systems (NUCL 5260G)
    This course covers the design and main operating features of nuclear reactor containment systems, considering both normal and accident conditions. The course includes definition and purpose of containment, design requirements and considerations, a survey of containment designs in actual use and the use of simulation for safety analysis and design.