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A6 - Total Enrolment by Program

A6 - Total Enrolment by Program
NOTE: includes all categories in enrolment file
Number of degree seeking students (headcount) enrolled for Fall 2019, including domestic and international students.
  Bachelor's and 1st Professional Degree Master's Degree Doctoral Degree
Category Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time
Agriculture & Biological Science 382 16 22 1 15 -
Architecture - - - - - -
Business & Commerce 1219 69 - - - -
Computer Science 1010 32 70 18 14 12
Dentistry - - - - - -
Education 403 51 32 111 - -
Engineering 2303 64 130 56 83 24
Fine & Applied Arts - - - - - -
Food Science & Nutrition - - - - - -
Forestry - - - - - -
Humanities 184 8 - - - -
Journalism - - - - - -
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ. - - - - - -
Law - - - - - -
Mathematics 39 1 6 2 10 2
Medicine 1008 137 47 31 - -
Nursing 812 28 - - - -
Optometry - - - - - -
Other Arts & Science - - - - - -
Other Health Professions 157 5 - - - -
Pharmacy - - - - - -
Physical Science 149 15 7 2 24 -
Social Science 1305 55 34 2 11 -
Theology - - - - - -
Therapy & Rehabilitation - - - - - -
Veterinary Medicine - - - - - -
Not Reported - - - - - -
TOTAL: DOMESTIC ENROLMENT 8448 466 234 223 91 38
TOTAL ENROLMENT 8971 481 348 223 157 39

Note: The figures above do not necessarily include co-op enrolment and work term enrolment.

Source: Official government enrolment data