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I2 (2019-20) - University Expenses

I2 - Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2019
# Expense Type Operating Other NC Subtotal Ancillary Entities Consolidated Entities Not Consolidated Subtotal Trust Capital Total
1 Salaries and Wages                    
i) Academic Ranks 44071 95 44166 0 554 0 554 0 0 44720
ii) Other Instruction and Research 7800 0 7800 0 5634 0 5634 0 0 13434
iii) Other Salaries & Wages 37890 729 38619 1565 2481 0 2481 0 0 42665
Total Salaries and Wages 89761 824 90585 1565 8669 0 8669 0 0 100819
2 Employee Benefits 15879 117 15996 141 636 0 636 0 0 16773
Total Salaries and Benefits 105640 941 106581 1706 9305 0 9305 0 0 117592
3 Library Acquisitions 1664 0 1664 0 0 0 0 0 0 1664
4 Equipment and Furniture Purchases 1876 7 1883 28 481 0 481 0 11484 13876
5 Equipment Rental and Maintenance 1101 5 1106 353 684 0 684 0 0 2143
6 Printing and Duplicating 120 40 160 2 71 0 71 0 0 233
7 Materials and Supplies 1573 38 1611 30 651 0 651 0 0 2292
8 Communications 348 5 353 3 26 0 26 0 0 382
9 Professional Fees 1597 0 1597 7 35 0 35 0 0 1639
10 Costs of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Travel 2602 38 2640 43 1124 0 1124 0 0 3807
12 Utilities 534 0 534 421 747 0 747 0 0 1702
13 Renovations and Alterations 101 0 101 5 0 0 0 0 2643 2749
14 Externally Contracted Services 17010 493 17503 2677 887 0 887 0 0 21067
15 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 9799 4 9803 0 22 0 22 0 0 9825
16 Debt Repayments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6289 6289
17 Interest 69 7 76 34 28 0 28 0 13444 13444
18 Building, Land and Site Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14408 14408
19 Other Operational Expenditures 7956 101 8057 (695) 440 0 440 0 0 7802
20 Internal Cost Allocations (517) 0 (517) 0 517 0 517 0 0 0
21 External Cost Recoveries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 151,473 1679 153152 4614 15018 0 15018 0 48130 220914
Find 間眅埶AV University's financial statements below.
Source: COU. COFO-UO Financial Report